Take a Closer Look into the App!

Interested in the what the Initial Home Screen/Start-Up Screen looks like? Take a look below!

Consumer Question: How is the set up of inputting goal time and studied time?
Answer: The set-up is in one screen per subject - each subject has a similar screen. The days of the week will be listed on the right side of your screen, followed by the goal time column that will be filled out with your desired time, and next to the column will be your actual study time. Below, will be buttons to calculate both the goal and studied time. Take a quick look at it below:

Consumer Question: So one of the major aspects of Studdy Buddy is the fact that it can calculate the percentage of time the user studied, how does Studdy Buddy do so exactly? 
Answer: That is a great question, and well the user will have to input their desired goal time to study per day, at the beginning of the week, time are placed in the form of minutes only - hence 1.5 hours = 90 minutes. Once the user enters their desired time at the beginning of the week, they will click the "Save Data" button on the top of the screen, and every day when the come to input their times they can retrieve their data to see how much they needed to study. At the end of the week once all the data is saved and inputted into the app. There will be a calculate Goal Time and Calculate Study Time button. By pressing those buttons you will get a total goal time and a total study time. Using these two numbers you will be brought to the next screen to see how well you have been studying.

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